Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Introduction of God sightings!
I recently attended a conference of the Transformational Leaders Initiative for the ELCA. At the conference, I was inspired by my colleagues who are doing so much creatively to spread the Kingdom to the world. We are hoping to instill one of the creative ideas into the life of our church here in Redford, Michigan. It is called God sightings, and here is how it will work. Thanks to Dave Daubert for introducing this initiative to our group.
God Sightings
Purpose: It is important for people of faith be reminded that God is present in worship, at church, in the community, and the world. With that in mind we are starting a new initiative at St. John’s that allows us to share all the places that we see God at work in the world. Starting this week, we will be using the board in the Narthex to chronicle all the places that we see God alive in the world. The three questions we will ask ourselves each week are as follows:
1. Where did you see God in the world around you this week?
2. Where did you witness God’s using someone else as a blessing in the world around you this week?
3. Where did you see God using you this week?
Names are optional, but I would encourage each of you to name and claim how you witnessed God working in us and through us this week.
I am looking forward to seeing this initiative grow in strength and be a blessing to the people of SJLC.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Do we really need billion dollar stadiums to watch athletic events?
Tonight we meet for “Solomon’s Porch” at First Cup coffee house, Five Mile and Inkster Rd. to discuss issues of the day, to delve into how faith and life connect within any given topic, and see where the Spirit leads us. The topic for tonight:
Last Sunday night was the season premiere of Sunday Night Football featuring the Dallas Cowboys and New York Giants. It was a time to introduce the new Cowboy stadium to the masses. At a cost of 1.2 billion dollars, it is one of the most expensive stadiums ever built. Yes, you read correctly, 1.2 billion. It will hold its pricey title until next season, when the New York Giants unveil their new 1.6 billion dollar field. The new Texas stadium features, among other things, a 600 ton Jumbotron television screen in the middle of the field, and at 3 million square feet it is three times larger than the field that the Cowboys played on last year. Owner Jerry Jones notes only 7% of football fans have ever been to an NFL game and he wants to encourage more fans to come out and experience live football. That experience does come with a price, however. The average price for a family of four to enjoy an NFL game with all the trimmings (tickets, food and drink, programs, caps and parking) is $412.64. At the new Texas stadium, that price is $758.58.
There are lots of places to join in the conversation of this topic. Do we really need billion dollar stadiums to watch a football game? Should we be spending a house payment to enjoy live football? What might be a better use of those funds? In most stadium situations, public and private monies are partnered together to build stadiums, touting the revenue that will be produced by having state of the art venues like this one, is it worth it? As people of faith, should we be speaking out against this type of excess, and if so, how? Should we be boycotting live events? Should we be advocating for a reallocation of these funds? Does it matter if it is private or public monies? Certainly people like Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys do a share of charitable giving, but is a one billion dollar stadium over the top?
Bring your opinion tonight to SP from 7-8 pm. As usual, if you cannot make it but have a comment to share, let me know today via e-mail. I look forward to seeing many of you tonight!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Solomon's Porch featured in the Redford Observer
This is great news for our church. The next Solomon's Porch will be Tuesday, September 22nd at 7pm. I hope to see many of you there.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Is Leonard Pitts on the mark?
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Is Al Gore good for the environment?
The folks over at RELEVANT magaizine are asking that question in "The gospel of Al Gore", a must read that can be found here. In this particular article, the writer takes Gore to task for his "create life" stance while being a pro-choice abortion advocate. Read the article and let me know what you think. Is Al Gore the right poster child for the enviornmental issues that our world is facing?
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
"Saving Grace" returns Monday, March 2nd at 10pm

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
What do you think of this quote?
Michael E. Gerber
Is he right? Where do you fall on this spectrum?
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Theology on Tap begins February 12th
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
New weekly book club starting at First Cup Coffee House beginning February 27th
Friday, January 16, 2009
Check out this song responding to Gaza from Brian Mclaren
Monday, January 12, 2009
One way to pray President-elect Obama into his new role
This is from David Crumm, a former columnist for the Free Press:
Read The Spirit |
342: An Inaugural Prayer for President Barack Obama — and All of Us Posted: 12 Jan 2009 12:11 AM CST
An Inaugural Prayer for President Obama and Us
In this inaugural time, O God, we hold our breath…praying that the good identified in Barack Obama will be used to turn around the hollow systems that have led us down selfish paths, to mend the broken bureaucracies that have led to inertia and inaction, to discard the worthless wasting of precious resources, and to pave new avenues of liberty and justice for all people. Yet, keep us from holding our breath… as if this one appointed man can or should — or is even expected to — heal this country alone. Indeed, keep us all breathing and alive and active as agents of the change so desperately needed, as aides in the healing process, and as willing participants in the necessary sacrifices required of us all.
Oh, it’s true, O God, we are on tiptoe…as expectant as anyone can be…praying that you might be able to create in our midst a new way of living that better honors your creation, that more fully respects your desire for community, that more urgently works for peace and justice for ALL. To that end, we dare ask that your hand of blessing be upon President Obama — chosen not for the color of his skin but for the content of his character — that he might guide and lead us in the ways You would have us go. Thru him and with him, make us all agents of good…in our homes, in our communities, in our country and in this world. Amen. CARE TO READ MORE? STAY TUNED! Over the next two weeks, ReadTheSpirit will provide a series of soul-stirring stories as we approach the inauguration, including more of our daily Interfaith Heroes stories. As we approach Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s holiday, you’ll find fresh insights into the interfaith roots of America’s civil rights movement. SHARE THIS PRAYER! We invite you to share this prayer as we approach the inauguration. To do so, include the Rev. Marsha M. Woolley’s name as author and a link back to http://www.ReadTheSpirit.com/ PLEASE, Tell Us What You Think. |
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