Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Theology on Tap begins February 12th
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
New weekly book club starting at First Cup Coffee House beginning February 27th
Friday, January 16, 2009
Check out this song responding to Gaza from Brian Mclaren
Monday, January 12, 2009
One way to pray President-elect Obama into his new role
This is from David Crumm, a former columnist for the Free Press:
Read The Spirit |
342: An Inaugural Prayer for President Barack Obama — and All of Us Posted: 12 Jan 2009 12:11 AM CST This is part of our ongoing coverage of the spiritual power blossoming around the historic transition in Washington D.C. We've already taken a look at several examples of spiritual activism focused on the inauguration. Stay Tuned! Throughout the coming week, we'll have much more. An Inaugural Prayer for President Obama and Us CREATING GOD OF LANDS AFAR AND MINE… In this inaugural time, O God, we hold our breath…praying that the good identified in Barack Obama will be used to turn around the hollow systems that have led us down selfish paths, to mend the broken bureaucracies that have led to inertia and inaction, to discard the worthless wasting of precious resources, and to pave new avenues of liberty and justice for all people. Yet, keep us from holding our breath… as if this one appointed man can or should — or is even expected to — heal this country alone. Indeed, keep us all breathing and alive and active as agents of the change so desperately needed, as aides in the healing process, and as willing participants in the necessary sacrifices required of us all. As we breathe in the hope and anticipation of this new beginning, let us exhale and rid ourselves of the well-learned skepticism we hold for government and our leaders. Oh, it’s true, O God, we are on tiptoe…as expectant as anyone can be…praying that you might be able to create in our midst a new way of living that better honors your creation, that more fully respects your desire for community, that more urgently works for peace and justice for ALL. To that end, we dare ask that your hand of blessing be upon President Obama — chosen not for the color of his skin but for the content of his character — that he might guide and lead us in the ways You would have us go. Thru him and with him, make us all agents of good…in our homes, in our communities, in our country and in this world. Amen. CARE TO READ MORE? STAY TUNED! Over the next two weeks, ReadTheSpirit will provide a series of soul-stirring stories as we approach the inauguration, including more of our daily Interfaith Heroes stories. As we approach Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s holiday, you’ll find fresh insights into the interfaith roots of America’s civil rights movement. SHARE THIS PRAYER! We invite you to share this prayer as we approach the inauguration. To do so, include the Rev. Marsha M. Woolley’s name as author and a link back to http://www.ReadTheSpirit.com/ PLEASE, Tell Us What You Think. |
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