Wednesday, July 9, 2008

"Michigation" anyone?

The other day on talk radio I listened to a discussion about how Michiganders should consider taking a "Michigation", or a vacation in Michigan, this summer as a way to spark the economy of our downtrodden state. As I was listening to what seemed to make sense(staying close) I wondered if Michigan was not already one of "those" states where people vacation within the state because there is so much beauty, shore line and camping opportunities locally. I know our communities up north are struggling but I wonder if people are just staying put because they cannot afford to go anywhere. We have plans for a trip up to the Bruce Peninsula in Canada in August and a five day camping trip for the "Bridge Walk" in September, but are considering changing the former and heading to the western side of the state. My question is, if we as residents of Michigan, or whatever state you reside, are going to vacation this year, do we owe it to our state to stay within its boundaries and invest our vacation dollars, though fewer, where we live? We will talk about this at Solomon's Porch this Thursday night at First Cup.

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