Monday, September 17, 2007

A new way to worship?

Lately I have been thinking about what it would look like to create a worship service that one could participate in without having to read from a book or bulletin, without knowing how to sing or read music . I am thinking of a service where you are free just to worship without worrying what comes next or hoping you do not lose your place. I have decided to challenge myself-and maybe stretch our community in the process-with such a worship during Advent this year. I am thinking we will have mid week Advent services and the worship will all be shaped in this new way. Stay tuned and see how it develops!


regina said...

Pastor, thanks for responding to my comment on your previous entry.

I would be so interested in coming to a service like the one you describe. I would love to come to a service where I can just focus on my relationship with Jesus Christ, and where I can pray my way. My way to pray is probably not very orthodox, but I feel closer to God when I do so.

It's not the singing that intimidates people! Singing in church is a heavenly way to connect. I want to come to a service where I don't have to worry about if I am standing at the right place, or if I have said the right words in the prayer. There should be a service where you, the pastor, provides a "program" of sorts and tells the congregation what is going to happen, and what is expected next. Sort of like a schedule. Then people who aren't well-versed in the ways can follow easily.

Most people who don't attend church aren't staying away because they don't believe in God. They stay away because they don't know what to do and don't want to feel stupid.

Bicycle Pastor said...

I think you are really going to love what we are going to do during Advent mid week services. The focal point of the worship will be prayer stations that you will move through at your own pace, in your own way, praying in a way that connects you with God.

I agree that often it is hard when churches have unspoken or ill explained "ways" that a given church does something. I think we could do a better job of explaining what is happening and what is expected next. It always is good to be reminded of this because it is so easy to slip back into automatic mode.

Again, I think you are going to really appreciate the service we are creating for Advent. Thank you for the dialogue. I appreciate it.