Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Living the toxic life

Have you noticed lately how many of those around you-maybe even yourself-seem caught up in a toxic mix of overwork, stress, keeping up with the jones' type mentalities that so often leads to neglecting those closest to us? Our society today does not often speak to the need for cleansing/nurturing relationships with those closest to us on a regular basis. It does not seem long before one gets caught up not in life but in the things that get in the way of life. We seem so determined to live life and accomplish great things that we often forget that the best accomplishments are the relationships we engage in and the legacy that leaves behind. I often wonder why we replace genuine relationship with reaching that next great milestone or plunge ourselves deep into activities or projects that leave us to neglect those closest to us. I cannot believe that this type of lifestyle is one that God desires for us. It seems our society has moved away from an emphasis rooted in relationship with each other toward one that leaves many feeling emotionally and spiritually empty. Can you relate? Over the next few days I hope to explore this "movement" on a deeper level.
-Bicycle Pastor

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