Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Day 78 Back to the grind....

A great day off yesterday hanging out with my daughter. The older I get the more I see the need to be dedicated in taking my day off. Too often I answer the phone, do e-mail and other work related stuff on my one day off a week. Up until yesterday I could not tell you the last time I took a full day off. Definitely not the way to live as I approach 40 years of age. I hope to begin the process of detoxing from my need to think I always need to be available and working. I need to turn off the computer and more importantly my Blackberry.

As I journey toward for fortieth I ask God to intervene for me in my weakness and help me to take better care of myself, including taking my time off. I ask God to remind me that it is not all about me and that I need to take care of myself if I am going to take care of others.

Or at least not answer work e-mail on my day off. I know what you are thinking. All talk. I am trying. It will take some time to fully be in recovery. At least I did not post this message from my Blackberry :)

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